Pacific Mechanical and Plumbing


PMPE considers each project a unique challenge with unique answers; we are committed to researching and analysing how to implement the most suitable HVAC and plumbing systems for each project. We are well-versed with the Green Building Council Standards and LEED. With our experienced LEED Accredited Professionals, we strive to keep all mechanical and plumbing systems as energy efficient as possible and with the smallest amount of environmental impact. We have always been dedicated to designing systems with both the natural environment and building environment in mind. By striving to provide the most energy efficient mechanical and plumbing systems possible, and working with other disciplines to implement and utilize new energy generation methods into new buildings we are pushing to design the buildings of the future and meet our carbon neutral goals.

In order to prevent the spread of airborne contaminants and respiratory illnesses we are constantly researching, learning, and implementing the best ways to improve our HVAC and plumbing system designs to ensure the best indoor air quality possible for all occupants. By implementing improved ventilation, air circulation, filtration systems, humidity and space temperature control, and pairing them with more advanced and easier to manage control systems we are able to provide the best possible air quality in a manner that is energy efficient and maintenance friendly. By utilizing water saving fixtures, such as faucets and water bottle fillers with sensor operation, and improved ventilation in restrooms, we do our best to ensure that our projects can be as cost effective and hygienic as possible.